Posts tagged self help
436 - What If You’re the Toxic One?

As one of the common pop psychology buzzwords on social media today, we've all heard the word "toxic" applied to different situations and relationships. But with the uptick in usage that is sometimes not always accurate or detailed, we can lose sight of its meaning.

Today's episode is a lengthy dive into what it really means to be toxic, exploring some common bad behaviors and why they happen. Finally, we're going to leave you with some tangible ways to make positive changes without blame or shame.

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423 - Boundaries are all about YourSELF

This week we're circling back to boundaries once again! In light of our book release, we're going to be sharing one of the special tools from it that we've come up with to enforce boundaries. But first, we'll go over what boundaries are, our take on what the difference between boundaries/rules/agreements, and talk about why we need boundaries in our lives.

For more episodes about boundaries, revisit episodes 178: The Basics of Boundaries, 227: Rules and Agreements ft. Boundaries, and 372: Needs, Desires, Boundaries, and More.

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