Posts tagged partnerships
438 - Aromantic Partnerships Matter Too

Today we're discussing aromanticism and aromantic partnerships! A lot of us have heard of asexuality, but the spectrum of aromanticism is a little less widely known. Someone who is aromantic experiences little to no romantic attraction to people of any gender, and lacks interest in having romantic relationships, but that doesn't mean the connections they may form with others are lesser than those of us who have romantic partnerships. We're going to discuss the spectrum of aromanticism, some of the common challenges and misconceptions aromantic people might face, and share some thoughts from some of our listeners who identify as aromantic or have aromantic partners.

Visit for a great resource on aromanticism!

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411 - What’s Your Price of Admission?

This week, we're talking about annoyances and deal breakers in terms of relationships. We're exploring the possibility that in this age of online dating, maybe we've all become a little too picky about our potential partnerships, and that could be causing us to miss out on or prematurely cast aside some really wonderful connections! We'll be discussing deal breakers, perpetual problems, and the concept of "the price of admission."

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